New Lifeline – Water, Water Everywhere (27.08.16)
This is a tremendously exciting week for our charity New Lifeline (NLL). We are delighted to announce that through New Lifeline (and New Life Mexico, as it was formerly called) we have at last succeeded in installing a fresh drinking water-house in every school in Puerto Vallarta.
Considering we dreamed up, financed and built our first humble school water-house only six years ago, this is a terrific achievement. From that day on, with a combination of many enthusiastic, loyal and generous sponsors and our subsequent partnership with Seapal (local water company), the project has grown beyond our wildest dreams.
This now means that over 75,000 children have daily access to drinking water. Which, on the basis that each water-house has the capacity to provide over a million cups of water per year, is one heck of a lot of fresh, clean, beautiful drinking water.
Which just goes to show: from acorns, oak trees will grow.
We at Nomadic Thoughts, who have followed the development of the water programmes since their inception, are as thrilled as we are proud. Echoing Philippa’s (New Lifeline’s Field Director) sentiments, “This achievement is just fantastic, and we are very proud. Thank you to all our sponsors who made the original programme possible”.
Furthermore, the completion of our water-houses school project this week marks the end of the transition phase of the charity New Life Mexico into New Lifeline.
New Lifeline’s work will continue to support vulnerable people through social, health and education programmes, with a broader remit encompassing projects across Latin America.
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