Blooming Brecon Beacons

The Brecon Beacons’ springtime wildflower explosion is in full bloom. Not only with the arrival of bluebell seas that carpet much of the lowland areas, but also a stunning cacophony of indigenous early spring buds and blossoms.

Particularly unique to the UK (home to over half the world’s bluebells), this annual burst of wildflower blooms has always been extra special in this remote and beautiful part of the country. Celebrated by one and all, the National Parks’ coveted hedge groves, remote river valleys, waterfalls, lamb-filled-fields, and open hillsides offer an array of beautiful flowers to rival anywhere else in the world.

Flowers stretch up through the undergrowth like miners emerging from the deep at carnival time. Brilliant and bright.

Wood Sorrel

Long storked flowers, multi-coloured petals, undergrowth clusters and branch-bending blossom-bombs appear at every turn, as wedding-white hawthorn waves in the breeze. The wilder, more exposed hillsides are ablaze with brightly coloured yellow gorse smelling of coconut, ushering in the spirit of summer. As the upland spring season arrives, lambs are born to a backdrop of the wild daffodils and bright white, yellow and purple daisies, dandelions, anemones and primroses.

Gorse flower

With our hillside house – – located at 300m, overlooking the unfolding Usk Valley below, the variety of local flora and fauna is magnificent. As these photos show – all taken close by or no more than a short walk away – the exciting mixture of flourishing flora lifts the soul and boosts the warm welcome of springtime.

Look quickly though. As the Welsh proverbs goes: “Everything you have is this world is just borrowed for a short time” – “Mae popeth sydd gennych chi yw’r byd hwn newydd gael ei fenthyg am gyfnod byr”.

Long may they last, even if the flourishing spring flowers will soon give way to an altogether greener summer pasture.



White dogwood

Grape hyacinth

Yellow ox-eye daisies

Sweet violet

Stone wall lichin

Gorse flower

Apple blossom

Star magnolia



Bark lichens

Wild clematis



Garlic mustard



Cherry blossom

Forget me not



Field chickweed

Thorn tree blossom

Cuckoo Flower


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