‘Top 10 – Safest Holiday Destinations’ (15.01.17)
As early 2017 offers us an unusually high list of old-school international worries (i.e. terrorism, return to cold war antics, nuclear arms race, EU woe… in addition to a continuation in global environment issues) we maintain that this is still very much the golden age of travel.
Despite having to sort through the waterfall of negative international news on a daily basis, the fact is that all over the world, tourism destinations are expanding their portfolio of options, and offering a wider and more diverse collection of holiday opportunities.
Destinations that were relatively inaccessible a short time ago are now becoming mainstream, as airline routes and schedules continue to spread far and wide. Some of the safest places offer a grandstanding smorgasbord of wilderness options, adventure activities and ‘escape from it all’ possibilities.
The latest Global Peace Index shows that destinations such as Iceland and Nordic countries, New Zealand, Austria, Switzerland, Canada, Czech Republic and Japan feature in the top ten.
Furthermore, as tourist numbers have dropped off in recent times to some of the world’s most traditional bucket list destinations – due to perceived security threats – they actually offer terrific ‘away-from-it-all’ holiday experiences.
For example, as highlighted in my recent blog on Jordan, the chance to visit Petra (one of the ancient wonders of the world) unimpeded by the hordes, should be recognised as an all-time golden moment. Equally, the ancient temples of Egypt, beaches of Turkey, wilderness areas of Africa and countless under-visited heritage sites should, to my mind, be seriously factored into any immediate travel plans.

Safe safari.
The opportunity to travel to these places during such an under-visited period will not last for long, and should not be under-estimated. Especially when you think that the World Tourism Organisation (UNWTO), presently celebrating the Year of International Development for Sustainable Tourism Development, reports that the global annual figure of international tourists is accelerating beyond the 1.1 billion mark.
We at Nomadic Thoughts constantly evaluate safety issues – through not only the FCO Travel Advice, but also our own local suppliers – and fully appreciate that peace of mind, as much as gut instinct, should play an integral part of choosing a holiday destination.

Peace of mind.
On this basis you might like to note the pecking order of the Top 10 Safest Countries and Top 10 Remotest Countries (by population density). Many of these are highly popular Nomadic Thoughts destinations.

Iceland – safest.
On a broader scale it is also good to take comfort from the fact that the Global Peace Index states that 81 countries have become more peaceful recently.
Top 10 Safest Countries:
- Iceland
- Denmark
- Austria
- New Zealand
- Portugal
- Czech Republic
- Switzerland
- Canada
- Japan
- Slovenia
Greenland – remotest.
Top 10 Remotest Countries (by population density):
- Greenland
- Falkland Islands
- Mongolia
- Western Sahara
- Namibia
- French Guiana
- Australia
- Iceland
- Suriname
- Botswana
Austria – 3rd safest.
New Zealand – No. 4

Portugal – No. 5

Czech Republic – No. 6

Canada – No 8.


Botswana – 10th Remotest.

Safest, remotest … it’s all about the welcome.